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Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we have compiled some of the frequently asked questions that we’ve received over the years. If there’s something that we missed, please reach out and a member of our staff will get in touch with you.

What is the purpose of the PTA?

The PTA exists to identify the needs of all students, the school, its families and community. Together we find the ways to provide each student a safe environment with the best teachers, tools and resources to meet those needs and unlock success in every child.

What events is the PTA responsible for? What does the PTA do?

We are responsible for coordinating events like these to enhance our students education and experience at Forester. We do this through assemblies, faculty and staff support, teacher incentives, family events, educational family nights and social activities.  Without your support these events simply would not be possible. Please consider volunteering—even if you can only help with one event it can make a big difference.  We want the best experiences for our kids. Don’t you?  All that we do contributes to a better, well-rounded education for our children. Help us to help your student too. You can make all the difference.

May I attend PTA events if I don't join?

Yes.  While we hope you do join the PTA to support our mission, all our welcome.  However, you will not be eligible for the discounted rates on tickets where applicable.  PTA membership provides more benefits and opportunities throughout the year that we hope you will utilize.

How does the PTA raise money?

Our money comes from Membership, fundraisers and donations from families and local businesses.


What does the PTA do with the funds raised?

All of our fundraising projects are to fund a specific purpose.  There is no fundraising done just to have money in our account.  Some funds do go to our General fund but every penny is dedicated to a specific purpose.

Do I have to come to school to volunteer?

Not necessarily, there are tasks you can do at home to help.  (Examples: putting packets together, coordinating projects by making calls etc.)

Can I only volunteer once in a while without being pressured to volunteer for future events?

Absolutely!  We do not pressure anyone into volunteering and that is a promise!  You can volunteer as much or as little as you desire.  We appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.  We are thankful for your 5 minutes or your 50 minutes. We may ask you to volunteer for another event, but it's perfectly okay to say “No”. If everyone does a little, it goes a long way.

Can I volunteer even if I am unable to come to the meetings?

Yes, but we do ask you to attend the meetings when possible.  Attendance numbers are needed in order to make decisions and proceed with business. Your input is necessary to our mission.


If I join the PTA, do I have to volunteer?

No. While we depend on volunteers to run our programs and we greatly appreciate their time, we understand that not all families have this flexibility. By joining, your membership dues help support our programs and help give the State and National PTA's a stronger voice when they support legislation that benefits children.

Why should both parents join the PTA?

We encourage both moms and dads to join the PTA and we encourage both to attend our meetings and volunteer for activities. As mentioned above, your membership dues help support our programs and help give the State and National PTA's a stronger voice when they support legislation that benefits children.

What if I have an idea for a new PTA activity or program?

Please contact any of the PTA officers. We welcome new ideas!

I pay taxes. Why does the PTA need money to fund programs and services?

Tax dollars only go so far and over the past few years, state and federal funding for education has decreased significantly. NISD are generous in contributing to our schools but cannot provide funds for everything. The PTA steps in to be sure the excellent level of education for our children is not affected by lack of funding.

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